Hi Cleaver fans! Welcome to the November 2012 issue (December issue out in a few days)! The Cleaver is written/photographed/published by volunteer contributors who live in Bay St. Louis, on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. We generally publish during first week of any given month, while our nifty new community calendar is always up to date (so you might want to bookmark it!) You can also check out archives from the menu above.
Remember - you don't have to live in the Fourth Ward (or even in Bay St. Louis) to be part of our neighborhood! It's easy (and free!) to subscribe - simply send your name, address and e-mail to: [email protected]! We love to hear your comments too! Click here for the form!
Remember - you don't have to live in the Fourth Ward (or even in Bay St. Louis) to be part of our neighborhood! It's easy (and free!) to subscribe - simply send your name, address and e-mail to: [email protected]! We love to hear your comments too! Click here for the form!
In the November Issue![]() Snowflakes in the Bay - a six week holiday extravaganza of events county-wide! See below for details!
Compiled List of Holiday Events!
![]() The Chamber has compiled a list of many - TWENTY-SEVEN different holiday happenings here in Hancock County. We've re-posted them on this page, so click here to view.
You can help spread the word about to goings on by posting the link on Facebook, sending out on Twitter or just sending an old-fashioned e-mail to friends and family! Hope yours is the best ever! Turn about for Sandy survivors!
![]() From an e-mail circulating along the Gulf Coast:
For six years retired New York City firemen drove down truckloads of toys for children in Hancock County and along the coast. Hope Haven has sponsored this effort every year. Now, the children in New York need our help. The NY City firemen will not be able to come this year due to Hurricane Sandy. The people in their area will have many needs....we all know what it is like after a hurricane. Due to the cold weather they will be experiencing over the next 5 months, Hope Haven has chosen to collect socks, sweats and mittens for children...any and all sizes welcome. The Fire Departments in Diamondhead, Waveland and Bay St. Louis have stepped forward to collect donations, as well as the Harrison County fire departments. Together we can help repay the generosity of spirit the firefighters of New York City have shown to our children. The drive will end 30 November. The Hancock Chamber is also organizing a donation drive - focusing mostly on gift-cards - since they're easy to ship, deliver and lord knows, anyone who was here during Katrina and received one was grateful as all get-out. If you want to donate, you can even do it on-line, securely and quickly! Click here. Good Neighbor - Elizabeth Veglia
![]() Picture a 15-year-old languidly lying on the beach in the sun, smoking a cigar.
This was Elizabeth Veglia with an attitude: playful and mischievous and clearly destined for fame. “I had a wild childhood,” she confesses, “but I did stop smoking when I reached 21.” Born in New Orleans to Ambrose and Cecile Veglia, the growing family summered in Long Beach. After the family had grown to five children, her parents decided to move to Long Beach. It wasn’t long before Elizabeth had seven sisters and one brother. Along with numerous cousins who came to visit, the children spent hours crabbing off the Long Beach pier. “You could get half a hamper is just an afternoon,” Elizabeth recalls. Click here for full article! Contributed by Pat Saik Update on Coolest Town Contest
![]() This fall, Bay St. Louis was nominated to be one of 15 finalists in Budget Travel's search for the Top 10 Coolest US Towns. There were 924 towns on the list - including Mendocino, CA, Beaufort, SC and Bar Harbor, ME - and Bay St. Louis received the most votes! What's more, while there were although there were over 96,000 votes cast, BAY ST LOUIS RAKED IN OVER 10,000 OF THOSE!! There's more? Yep. Most towns received a few dozen comments at best, totaling 2,415 between all nominees. Voters were so impassioned over Bay St. Louis that 345 wrote nice things about us! What now? In January, the final vote will begin. We'll need to see the course to make sure that Bay St. Louis continues to stay on top. Watch here for details! The Cleaver Crew believes that the national publicity that would result from BSL being named COOLEST TOWN, is, well... priceless. If you want to read some of the comments people left about Bay St. Louis, and see some of our competitors, click here now. "Like" us and share the fun!Healthy Living
![]() Recently I went to a three-day music festival in New Orleans and it reminded me how challenging it can be to stay on my clean eating plan while out and about. Clean eating is not a diet, it's a lifestyle approach to food and it's preparation. It's consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible which leads to an improved life - one meal at a time.
Although I did have to make a few adjustments, below is a list of the typical guidelines.
contributed by Holly Purvis INFINITY Science Center
![]() Stellar savings on Wednesdays if you're 55 or older. Enjoy a discounted admission and 10% off in the INFINITY restaurant! You'll even save a buck off the very cool OMEGA flight simulator which is guaranteed to make you feel like a kid again. The price of admission includes a free bus tour of Stennis Space Center, which is cool because the general public is not allowed to drive into the complex.
Click here for the INFINITY website and Click here for the INFINITY Restaurant Menu PDF. Run off some calories for a cause!
![]() Check out the 1St Annual Fit First Turkey Trot. This is a 5k and a 1 mile fun run to benefit the Food Pantry of Hancock County.
The race begins at 8 a.m. (Thursday, Nov. 22nd) at the historic Bay St. Louis Train Depot on Blaize Ave., continues through Old Town Bay St. Louis along Beach Blvd. overlooking the beautiful beaches and Gulf of Mexico and finishes back at the Depot. The registration fee is $15 until Nov. 20 and $20 on race day. The race fee includes a t-shirt and wishbone medallion for all registrants. Registration forms are available at Fit First, 835 Hwy. 90, Suite 21, Bay St. Louis, MS or register online at active.com – Bay St. Louis Turkey Trot. Fit First Gym of Bay St. Louis is hosting the annual Turkey Trot as a way for our community to give back, stay healthy and have a little fun through the holidays. This race is sponsored by Wal-Mart and Lazy Magnolia Brewery, along with many others. If you are interested in sponsoring the Fit First Turkey Trot, please call (228) 342-6038 or email [email protected]. 4th Sunday at 4 in the 4th Ward
![]() "Fourth Sunday at Four" is a visual and performing art series held nine months of the year (excepting April, August and December). This series is sponsored by and held at Christ Episcopal Church, 912 S. Beach Blvd. Bay St. Louis, MS, in order to showcase the tremendous talent that is in our area and to share it with the community.
The performance begins in the church at 4pm, followed by a reception that features the exhibiting artist. The event is free and open to the public. This month, November 25th, features Coast Chorale and iconic coast artist Tazewell Morton. Coast Chorale is a community chorus of approximately 40 singers who live along the MS Gulf Coast. They are celebrating their 40th year of performing concerts in the Christmas and Spring seasons. Led by Allen Henson and accompanied by Robin Young. The name “Tazewell” immediately brings to mind Artist/ Professor, whimsical and inspiring images on canvas, wood, clay, etc. Each expression of Tazewell’s artwork has meaning on more than one level. Each has some unique insight into life lurking there, tempered by his insight and sense of humor. The images which go through his eyes into his brain, take a route which alters, intensifies, glorifies and gives new meaning to visual input. We love your feedback!Click here for our contact page, where we have a nifty comment box set up! We're now using names when we post comments unless you otherwise specify when you write. Hey, and you Faithful Cleaver Readers, send story ideas too!
WAIT!!! You're not done yet!
Have you checked out the incredible Cleaver Events Calendar? If not, you'll be missing lots of cool stuff!
contributors to this issue...
![]() Bobby Compretta, Will Deal, Larry and Ellis Anderson Jaubert, Pat Saik and Holly Purvis.
Cleaver Status ReportAlthough we posted no new issues in June, July and August, folks kept stopping by. We averaged over 3,000 unique visitors a month (and that doesn't count folks who stop in often to use our calendar, etc.). It's been thrilling for the contributors to watch it take off, beyond our wildest dreams.
Perhaps of Interest: When the Cleaver crew loosely formed in late spring of 2011 and published the first issue in July 2011, we hoped to be a fun neighborhood service, with all volunteers being 4th Ward residents. Through comments we've gotten over the past year, it seems like we've become the on-line, off-beat, go-to place for what's happening in the Bay-Waveland area. So while we're not changing our name or original mission, we're going to start profiling Good Neighbors - and accepting contributions from folks - who live elsewhere in the Bay-Waveland area. In fact, in addition to October Fourth Ward Good Neighbors Myron and Rhonda Labat, that issue also featured our first Good Neighbor profile of a cool person who lives in (gasp!) the Second Ward, Jeannie Deen. And the November issue includes a profile of artist Elizabeth Veglia, who lived in the Fourth Ward until the district lines changed earlier this year. So watch for some fun new Cleaver contributors and columns in the future! |
Neighborhood Gallery
SEND US YOUR PICS of happenings around Bay St. Louis - and Waveland too!!! We wanna post them here! Send with captions to: [email protected]. all photos by Cleaver contributor Ellis Anderson unless otherwise noted.
The Cleaver Calendar!![]() click here for the new Cleaver Calendar!
Special thanks to Will Deal for keeping the calendar updated It's a grand community service, so next time you see him around town, pat him on the back and buy him a beer! Did you know that Will is a Katrina volunteer who liked it so much in Bay St. Louis that he moved here?
Councilman Update - Bobby Compretta
![]() To all my Ward 4 constituents
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! I can’t believe the Holiday Season is here again. We have so much to be thankful for again this year. What a difference a year makes. Last year in my monthly message I was proud to announce the opening of a new restaurant on Beach Blvd. North Beach lead the way and now we have 3 more new businesses. We now have Trapani’s, Bea Connick (linen apparel), the Purple Banana and just last week the ground breaking for The Bay Town Inn. The City Council last month approved the contract for the Marina. It will take approximately 20 months to complete. When completed, it will be the economic engine that will help bring Old Town back bigger and better than ever. Finally, after 7 long years, we will have a new supermarket. Froogel’s Supermarket will open this month and give us a wide variety of meat, produce and groceries. I hope everyone will shop and support this store so we can see a nice increase in our sales tax. If this store is successful, we will see more retail stores open in this shopping center. Click here for the Council Actions for October. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please email me or call 216-7197. Karen and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. May we all take this special time to reflect and be thankful for our many blessings! Thanks, Bobby Snowflakes in the Bay!
![]() And for that matter, all over Hancock County through the holiday season. The Bay-Waveland Main Street Association has rounded up all the goings on county-wide and put them in one nifty brochure, which you can download here. OR click here for all the holiday happenings locally.
Right here in the Bay, there's a Christmas parade, Marshmellows on Main and Christmas Caroling. IN ADDITION , you will be able to put on a pair of ICE SKATES at the Snowflakes and Sugarplums Festival on Saturday, Dec. 15th and try not to break your Southern fanny with the whole town watching. From 11am - 8pm, the historic Depot District will be transformed into a Winter Wonderland. In addition to the Ice Skating Rink (which will cost $10 for 20 minutes and should be well worth every penny!), there'll be kiddy train rides, food and music by Vince Vance and the Valiants - and more!!! AND take advantage of all the goodies that the Old Town Merchants have stocked in for gift-giving while you're down here - You'll want to support this year's SHOP LOCAL campaign! Read more below... Shopping local makes a big impact!
![]() Saturday, November 24th is national Small Business Saturday, now an annual event promoted first by American Express to generate awareness about the impact of shopping locally.
But since 2007, the Hancock Chamber has launched programs each holiday season, urging people to spend "Holiday at Home." Spending money locally helps generate income for business owners, which in turn generates jobs. It also creates an upward spiral: It builds the retail market, which in turn attracts other businesses to the area to offer more goods and services to coast residents. Studies show that for every $100 spent in local stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll and other expenditures. Shopping locally also gives you an opportunity to connect with friends and neighbors, making the season more meaningful and memorable. Check out the new Old Town Merchants website by clicking here and then help out by posting the link on Facebook or e-mailing with a note to your friends! Read all about it at the library!
![]() The Hancock Library system has a ton of fun things happening through the month of December, including the ever-popular tree gala at the Bay St. Louis library.
A bevy of more than 50 beautifully decorated holiday trees created by local businesses, community groups and schools will highlight the Hancock County Library System’s 18th annual Holiday Tree Gala, set for Sunday, December 2 from 1-4 p.m. The festive afternoon will include Santa Claus and his elf hearing children’s wishes and members of the Coast Chorale will provide holiday music at 3:15 p.m. Punch and cookies will be served. For a list of other holiday library activities, click here! Check out Rochelle's new Video!
BridgeFest Named Top Event - again!!!
![]() Each year, the best events across the Southeast compete to receive the prestigious Top 20 Events designation. Earlier this month, Bay BridgeFest was chosen as one of the "elite." This announcement closely follows another in October, naming Bay BridgeFest the winner of the Large Event of the Year Award at the 2012 Governor's Conference on Tourism in Tunica.
Through a nomination process, Southeast Tourism Society chooses the Top 20 Events in the Southeast for each month of the year and publishes this list of winners quarterly. The Top 20 Events publication is sent to over 1,600 newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, AAA publications and others. The Southeast Tourism Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and development of tourism throughout the Southeast. Membership is approaching 800 organizations who represent a wide range of travel-related businesses. Click here for full information! Lulu's Eats at Nights Reopens!
![]() The outdoor patio on the side of 126 Main Street has been a happening spot all summer and fall, with beloved Dock of the Bay chef Prima Luke serving up fresh favorites in Old Town.
They closed at the end of October because the weather was making it too cool to dine on the patio, but they're reopening Thanksgiving weekend (Friday, and Sat.) and you'll be able to dine INSIDE Maggie May's for the rest of the winter (after TG weekend, open,Thurs. - Sat., six to ten pm). And don't forget that Lulu's is a super place for lunch too, year around! Results of fun box wine-tasting
![]() A discerning group of wine tipplers tasted and compared 5 popular box wines at Jack’s Restaurant last evening. The event was sponsored by Depot Duck – people’s choice wine and spirits. Appetizers and “palate cleansers” were provided by Jack’s owner Miss Donna. Marie Iverson won 2 tickets for New Year’s Eve at the 100 Men Hall ($80 value). A fun time was had by all!
Black Box Cabernet Sauvignon and Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon were compared. Amazingly, the results were a dead heat. Tasters liked both equally! Black Box Chardonnay and Bota Box Chardonnay were compared. 30% more Tasters preferred Bota Box. Black Box Moscato wine was rated on a scale of 1 (Ugh!) to 5 (Great). The overall rating was 3.7 of 5 points. Watch soon for a new wine column in the Cleaver!!! A few comments from readers
Adieu -
Until next time! Thanks for joining us! And hey - send us YOUR news items and pictures - it takes a village to raise a good newsletter.
Please notify us of any errors or clear omissions so that we can make the correction. Send the information to [email protected] |