Do you have toxic household chemicals and other hazardous waste that you don’t know what to do with? Do you know what is and isn’t considered hazardous waste? Hancock County can help. Read on for information about next week’s Household Hazardous Waste Day.
- by Kirby Rhodes
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Hancock County will host its biannual Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday, March 23, 2024. This year, the event will be held at the Hancock County Arena at 4184 Kiln-Delisle Road in the Kiln. Collection will begin at 8 am and go until 1 pm. The event is set up to be a drive-through drop off. Participants will remain in their vehicles while volunteers collect the items to be disposed of from the trunk or truck bed of the vehicle. Items can also be brought on an open trailer. Because all participants will remain in their vehicle, only items meant to be disposed of should be in the trunk of the vehicle. No hazardous material should be carried on the back seat. Chemicals you may have around the house that are dangerous to dispose of in the regular trash include:
It’s important to dispose of these items properly in order to prevent ground water contamination. Other items perfect for this opportunity are out-of-service appliances, fluorescent (CFC) bulbs, used tires, oil pans, and any type of battery. A full list of eligible items can be found on the flier below. This event is not for the collection of construction materials, yard debris, ammunition, medical waste, 55-gallon drums, explosive or radioactive materials, or waste from any business. Hazardous Waste Collection Day is a community service sponsored by Hancock County, Coast Electric, Mississippi Power, and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. Do your part to help keep our community, and coast, clean and beautiful! Enjoy this feature?Comments are closed.
January 2025