Keeping the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Wonderful!
Bay St. Louis fire chief Pam San Fillippo gives some sound — and easy — advice to follow to keep your homes and families safe during this high-risk fire season.
If you think you’ll wake up in time to get out safely if a fire starts when you’re sleeping, think again. You probably won’t. That is a fact.
The most important thing you can do in preparing for the holidays is to have working smoke detectors in your home. If you have them, do you know for sure that they work? Do they have fresh batteries? If you have wired detectors attached to an alarm system, have you tested it recently? NOW is the time to do so! If you need help checking your detectors, give us (or your local fire department) a call. We’ll be happy to come check them. Also, if you do not have a monitored fire alarm system, please consider getting one! Too often we see devastating fires that could have been caught when it was small, well before it got out of control, if only there had been a monitored alarm system in use. PLEASE be careful when using space heaters. NEVER leave them unattended, and be especially careful with them around pets and children. You should already have a plan for keeping your outdoor pets warm this winter. We’ve seen too many people who have lost everything they own, and their pets, from fires caused by a space heater. If you can’t bring a pet indoors, give them a good shelter out of the wind and lots of hay or blankets, and fresh (unfrozen!) water. Never put a space heater in an area where there are blankets, hay or flammable liquids. NEVER place heaters close to anything that can burn or melt. Always leave at least three feet of empty space around and above a space heater. Never put it on carpet or rugs, or near curtains, furniture or bed covers. If you haven’t already had your fireplace checked and cleaned, don’t wait; do it now. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, it should be cleaned each year before use. Gas fireplaces should be checked, and gas lines inspected by a certified plumber. If you aren’t 100 percent sure if what you are doing is safe call us and ask for a supervisor or a chief officer. We’ll be happy to come take a look, give advice, and answer questions. That’s why we’re here, and that’s how we’d rather get to know you. For more information on winter and holiday safety, visit this link. Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season from the Bay St. Louis Fire Department! Introducing Our "New" Firefighters
Six new firefighters join the Bay Fire Department after rigorous physical and academic training. Chief San Fillippo congratulates and welcomes them to the team!
These new firefighters are the future of the fire service, and the future leaders of our department. They will be responsible for leading the next generation of firefighters and preparing them for the tough job ahead.
They have chosen a career that is as dangerous as it is gratifying. They will see terrible things happen to good people; they’ll feel frustration and anger, and they’ll second guess themselves and wonder if they could’ve done more. But they will also do good and great things — things that no one else could or would do — and they’ll have many successes. And even when they can’t “fix” the problem, just their presence will provide comfort to someone who is hurting or afraid. The boots they have to fill are bigger than they know, but I have no doubt that each of them is up for the challenge.
Congratulations to (in photo, from left):
Firefighter River Hayden Firefighter Michael Guitreau Firefighter Gary Maurice, Jr. Engineer/EMT Gary Catalano (center, not in uniform) Firefighter Derrion Elzy Firefighter John Glidden Firefighter De’Sean Reece (kneeling) Personal Flotation Devices - what you don't wear may hurt you.
We have lots of excuses not to wear them, but this statistic may change your view: eight out of ten boating deaths could have been prevented. Chief Pam San Fillippo makes a persuasive case for life vests.
And there’s the problem first responders see all the time: someone just doesn’t think. We forget how dangerous water activities are, and we don’t think before we act. Out on the water “not thinking” is a recipe for disaster, and anyone who has lived near the water has seen or heard of water-related accidents and deaths. I know I sure have, and I can tell you most of them just didn’t have to happen, especially the ones that involved drinking and boating.
Did you know that 80% of boating deaths could have been prevented if a life jacket, or “PFD” (personal flotation device) had been worn? Yes, 8 out of 10 deaths, preventable by simply wearing a life jacket. That’s a statistic that’s hard to argue with, yet we use every excuse imaginable for not wearing one: “They’re uncomfortable,” “They’re hot,” “I grew up on the water; I can swim like a fish.” Sorry, no excuses accepted. PFD’s have come a long way. They come in all shapes and sizes, and some are even like collars instead of a jacket. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that can help keep your time on the water safe and enjoyable:
Read about pet safety on the water in this month's Puppy Dog Tales column!
Planning Ahead Pays Off
While no one likes to be reminded of hurricane season, being prepared is the first step to weathering one safely. This month, the Chief explains the resources the city has in place to help citizens do just that.
- by BSL Fire Chief Pam San Fillippo
We also have a great (free!) service to offer all Bay St. Louis residents and business owners: the city’s Blackboard Connect Emergency Alert System. This system is used by the fire department and other city managers to notify the public of important news or emergency information; once you are registered in the system, you decide if you want to be contacted via email, cell phone, home telephone and/or text messages. It’s easy to sign up, and you can opt out of this free service at any time. If you aren’t already registered, or if you need to update your contact information since you registered,just follow this link.
(If you don’t live in Bay St. Louis, check with the emergency managers in your city, parish or county to see if they offer a similar emergency alerting system, many do.) Plan and prepare when things are calm. Don’t delay. I hope the links we've provided will help. No matter where you live, if you need information or other assistance don’t hesitate to contact your local fire department, law enforcement or emergency management agency for help. Second to None
This month, Captain Pam San Fillippo introduces the company officers of the BSL Fire Department, the team members who make life or death decisions on a daily basis.
And if that’s not enough responsibility for one person to manage in a day’s time, consider that they are also responsible for carrying out most of the long and short-term goals set by the chief officers; they mentor, supervise and train the firefighters assigned to them, and they make sure that every fire truck and every piece of equipment is ready for service “24/7." Their 24-hour duty shift is filled with countless responsibilities, all vital to the safe and efficient operation of the department.
Sounds like a pretty tough job, doesn’t it? Well, it is. And here are the guys who make it happen, every day of the year. ![]()
Ronald Avery, Captain: Captain of “A” shift, Ronald is a veteran of the United States Air Force with a degree in criminal justice; he was hired as a firefighter recruit with the BSLFD nearly 20 years ago. Ronald has achieved numerous certifications during his career that include fire pump operations, high angle rescue, hazardous materials, incident command, command school, fire officer and fire safety instructor - to name just a few.
In addition to being an exceptional firefighter, Ronald is also one of our best public fire safety instructors. Combining his firefighting knowledge with the reputation of being one of the best disc jockey’s around, “DJ Avery” never fails to capture the attention of any audience. ![]()
Troy Buck, Captain: Originally from Indiana, Troy brings more than 25 years of firefighting experience to the BSLFD. He discovered Bay St. Louis when he traveled from Indiana to help out in the days following Hurricane Katrina - he immediately fell in love with the city and the people of Bay St. Louis, and moved here the following year.
A veteran of the United States Navy, Troy has also worked several tours as a firefighter in Afghanistan and Iraq. His numerous certifications include fire pump operations, weapons of mass destruction, incident command, investigator, instructor and inspector. As the captain of “B” shift, he especially enjoys preparing new hires for their basic training at the fire academy. Also a licensed plumber, Troy keeps busy on his days off from the fire department operating his own plumbing business, “Buck’s Plumbing." ![]()
Lorenzo “Zo” Armenta, Captain: Zo joined the BSLFD in 2007 after serving as a volunteer with the East Hancock Volunteer Fire Department. After earning his state firefighter certification, he has continued his training in various disciplines such as rope rescue, EMT, trench rescue, hazardous materials and pump operations. At 5’10”, 275 lbs. and “ink” from head to toe, Zo can strike a rather imposing figure. But underneath it all is a guy who has found his place in life as a firefighter - always ready, willing, and able to help anyone, anytime.
In addition to his firefighting skills, Zo is also fluent in Spanish and is often called on by law enforcement officers to act as an interpreter. On his days off from the fire department, Zo is busy managing his own lawn care business. Lorenzo and his wife, Ellyn, live in Bay St. Louis with their two children; Lorenzo also has a son who is currently serving in the United States Marine Corps.
by Chief Pam San Fillippo
-This month, The Cleaver introduces a new column by Chief San Fillippo, who heads up the Bay St. Louis Fire Department. Get to know the department better and the firemen who risk their lives to make our community safer. The chief will also be sharing fire prevention and safety information! ![]()
No one calls 9-1-1 because they’re having a great day. But when the worst thing you can imagine has happened, when you’re having your worst day ever, firefighters are on the way.
We come into your homes and your businesses to protect and care for you, your loved ones, your personal property - and even your children and your pets. We go into burning buildings when anyone with good sense is running out...and if you can’t get out, we’ll come get you, at all costs. We put out trash fires and woods fires, we extricate people from vehicle accidents, we do CPR, we contain chemical spills...and while we don’t get cats out of trees (they really do come down on their own!), we do rescue hummingbirds, sea turtles and ducks trapped in culverts. So who are these people, these firefighters, who are willing to help people they’ve never met? They are men and women who thrive on that rush of adrenaline when a call comes in; they enjoy the challenges of dangerous situations; they don’t mind getting dirty, but they like to look good. They’re the people who are willing to run in when everyone else runs out because it makes them feel good; they know they’ve accomplished something few others can or will do and they hope they’ve made a difference in someone’s life. To say it takes a special kind of person to be a good firefighter is an understatement. We come from very diverse, and sometimes less than perfect, backgrounds. Some of the best firefighters I’ve ever known will tell you that they were “heading down the wrong road” when they were lucky enough to be given an opportunity to turn their lives around and find their place in life as a firefighter; some simply had a desire to help others. But, a desire to help just isn’t takes a rough, tough person to be a good firefighter - a great firefighter is rough and tough, but also caring and compassionate - a rare combination. Regardless of their backgrounds, many firefighters bring a variety of other skills to the job - many firefighters are also electricians, plumbers, carpenters, divers, teachers, mechanics, musicians...the list goes on. Firefighters everywhere are often referred to as “public servants” - a title, in my opinion, that is hardly befitting the professional men and women who come to work each day as protectors and guardians of our community, willing to meet any challenge the day brings, even at great personal cost. In the coming months, I hope you’ll enjoy meeting the men and women of the Bay St. Louis Fire Department - firefighters who very proudly protect the citizens of our community. And if you have a few minutes, stop by the firehouse...we’d love to meet you too! |
February 2025