Personal Flotation Devices - what you don't wear may hurt you.
We have lots of excuses not to wear them, but this statistic may change your view: eight out of ten boating deaths could have been prevented. Chief Pam San Fillippo makes a persuasive case for life vests.
And there’s the problem first responders see all the time: someone just doesn’t think. We forget how dangerous water activities are, and we don’t think before we act. Out on the water “not thinking” is a recipe for disaster, and anyone who has lived near the water has seen or heard of water-related accidents and deaths. I know I sure have, and I can tell you most of them just didn’t have to happen, especially the ones that involved drinking and boating.
Did you know that 80% of boating deaths could have been prevented if a life jacket, or “PFD” (personal flotation device) had been worn? Yes, 8 out of 10 deaths, preventable by simply wearing a life jacket. That’s a statistic that’s hard to argue with, yet we use every excuse imaginable for not wearing one: “They’re uncomfortable,” “They’re hot,” “I grew up on the water; I can swim like a fish.” Sorry, no excuses accepted. PFD’s have come a long way. They come in all shapes and sizes, and some are even like collars instead of a jacket. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that can help keep your time on the water safe and enjoyable:
Read about pet safety on the water in this month's Puppy Dog Tales column!
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February 2025