Jerrod Rigby joins the family firm, earning his chops and following in his father’s footsteps.
- By Kim Ranjbar For almost 30 years, Gerald Rigby has been preparing taxes here in Bay St. Louis. Like any proud parent, he’s pleased to announce that his son, Jerrod, recently decided to join the firm. After graduating from the University of Southern Mississippi with an accounting degree, Jerrod was awarded a three-year scholarship to law school, but after a summer of classes, he decided it wasn’t the right path. “They said he had five years to accept this scholarship,” says Gerald. “So he came here to work for me, and he’s on year three.” Now on the professional track to become a CPA, Jerrod is training every day, exposed to all of the services offered by their small but highly robust accounting firm. “We do everything the big firms do, and because of that, it keeps us very busy,” says Gerald. “[Jerrod] is an excellent addition to the firm. He’s bringing his youth - and you know the younger people are more tech savvy. It’s been a win-win all around.” Setting his career wheels on the CPA track isn’t the only way Jerrod and his father are alike; they both share a great love for basketball. Not only did Jarrod play basketball in college, but he, like his father, is volunteering part time as a coach for the varsity basketball team at St. Stanislaus Catholic High School. “I was a St. Stanislaus basketball coach for 15 years,” says Gerald. “Jerrod is doing the same thing now, working here and teaching basketball.” With the addition of Jerrod, the Rigby accounting firm has become a full-fledged family affair. Gerald’s daughter, Shelby, is the office administrator, and his wife, Janet, comes in for a part-time gig. Friend, colleague and fellow accountant Alisa Reynolds rounds out the team for a total of five employees. Considering the small staff, it’s incredible to realize the scope of their services, which include – but are not limited to – tax preparation for individuals and businesses, governmental and non-profit auditing, bookkeeping, and small business accounting and consulting. “The staff that I have here is wonderful, very efficient,” says Gerald. “We put out a lot of work for the personnel we have.” Income tax season is right around the corner, and you can feel secure knowing that Rigby CPA is prepared and up to date on all new tax laws, especially the recent financial relief programs such as the ERC, or Employee Retention Credit, which came about because of the pandemic. “We are the only CPA firm that I know of in the area that is well-versed in the ERC,” explains Gerald. Unlike many of their competitors, Rigby CPA offers an “open door” policy, where existing and new clients can walk in, with or without an appointment, and get the financial counseling they need. “I like talking to people,” says Gerald. “Consulting is a big part of our business. C’mon in, let’s talk taxes. It’s something we excel at.” Surely Gerald’s genial nature and welcoming attitude has rubbed off on both his son and daughter. “It’s great that one day, I’ll be able to pass [the firm] on to both of them,” says Gerald. Enjoy this feature?Comments are closed.
September 2024