Power Up and Sharpen Your Technology Skills
December seminars for small businesses and homeowners aim to provide locals with the know-how to build better lives and a better community. Includes complete list of workshop offerings!
Winter sessions will move to the recently opened Bay-Waveland Habitat for Humanity / Hancock Chamber Training Center in Bay St. Louis (103 Central Ave., BSL) in a series of workshops geared toward homeowners as well as small business owners (see complete list of workshop offerings below).
“We had the space and computers, and the Chamber had the training furniture,” said Wendy McDonald, executive director of Habitat. “Put these resources together with the educational expertise of PRCC and MSU, and you have a winning partnership,” she said.
“Partnerships work,” said Tish Williams, executive director of the Hancock Chamber of Commerce. “When we work together to achieve community goals, we can make sure that our residents and businesses have the resources they need to connect, grow their customer base and enhance their skills.” Through these sessions, Williams says these partners want to empower people to achieve at their highest levels. December’s workshops — which are free to attend — focus not only on technology like Excel basics and Microsoft PowerPoint, but include sessions on women’s empowerment, with speakers like Dorothy Wilson, publisher of Gulf Coast Woman magazine and co-founder of SUCCESS Women’s Conference. Upcoming workshop topics the group has considered for 2016 include a seminar on writing wills, and another on how to locate affordable homeowner’s insurance. “We will find out what is important to homeowners and business owners and custom design these seminars to meet their needs,” said Williams. For seminar registration, contact Brenda Wells at 601-403-1379 or [email protected]. To participate, you must know your email address, social media logins, Apple ID and passwords. Attendance is limited to the first 12 to register. Habitat for Humanity will provide computers to use during the session. You may register for one or all of the seminars offered. Seminars take place at the Bay-Waveland Habitat for Humanity / Hancock Chamber Training Center, 103 Central Avenue, Bay St. Louis. For further business resources contact the Hancock County Chamber of Commerce at 228-467-9048 or [email protected]. December Habitat for Humanity / Hancock County Chamber Technology Seminars |
February 2025