Waveland Alderman Jeremy Burke gives us a year-end round-up on city projects and progress, as well as a sneak-peak into what's ahead in 2017.
I do not know if ground will be broken by 2018, but rest assured that the project is diligently being worked on. In addition, Waveland will begin planning additional pedestrian modes of transportation throughout Waveland.
Waveland is expecting the final plans for the Waveland lighthouse and comfort station before the spring. The lighthouse project is one that has been talked about for way too long, but it very close to seeing physical progress. Waveland has a large portion of the money needed for the project set aside in our Tidelands Trust Fund and recently received $300,000 of GOMESA funding from the Hancock County Board of Supervisors. I’m anticipating construction of the lighthouse and comfort station to begin before the end of 2017.
The most significant task that Waveland will be undertaking during 2017 will be a number of sewage improvement projects throughout Waveland. During this past year, Waveland secured monies from MDEQ’s State Revolving Fund in order to start the process of addressing problems in our sewage system.
A few projects that Waveland will address with this sewage system is increasing the capacity of the Gladstone Street lift station and lining pipes to decrease infiltration into the system. All of these projects are needed to protect our environment and decrease the amount of wastewater Waveland is treating. This month, several board members and I will be going to up Jackson to speak with lawmakers to request funding for various waterfront projects and discuss a number of other issues that affect Waveland.
One of the positive notes of 2016 was the amount of quality building that is taking place in Waveland. The Waveland Building Department issued permits for over $8 million of construction projects in 2017. Of the $8 million worth of construction, 23 were new residential home projects.
I look forward to 2017 as a great opportunity for Waveland. Let's make it happen! Come on 2017! Comments are closed.
February 2025