Waveland Alderman Jeremy Burke reports on the half-million dollar Waveland library bequest, a new festival in Waveland that will delight fans of Ernest Hemingway, the retirement of Christine Gallagher and new police cars.
The money is being managed by People’s Bank and will be transmitted to the foundation in increments of $20,000 a year until those funds are exhausted. The first installment was received by the Library Foundation in June.
With that money, the library purchased state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment for the meeting room, as well as a laptop cart and laptops, which will allow for digital literacy classes at the Waveland branch. It is important to note that this money cannot be used to pay for library operational expenses, but it does provide an opportunity to expand library services for our Waveland Library.
HemFest in Havana
Do you like a fun birthday party? Well, I have a birthday party for you. Friday, July 21 at the Waveland Ground Zero Museum starting at 7 p.m., Waveland will celebrate Earnest Hemingway’s 118th birthday. HemFest in Havana is hosted by the Hancock Chamber and the Rum Kitchen. HemFest in Havana will feature Cuban-inspired food and drinks made by the Rum Kitchen, a mobile cigar bar, and calypso music with a lot of salsa dancing. And, ATTENTION! HemFest is looking for a few stocky bearded men to participate in the Hemingway look-a-like contest. This event is limited to 100 guests. Tickets are $65 per person or $118 for two tickets. The proceeds of the tickets go to benefit the Ground Zero Hurricane Museum fund of the Hancock Community Development Foundation. To purchase your tickets, contact Linda Aiavolasiti at 228.216.0561 or [email protected].
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February 2025