Waveland Alderman Jeremy Burke keeps us up to date on online tax sale auctions, the 2017 Waveland city budget and a grant application for beachfront restroom facilities.
Users will be able to view property details such as parcel location and pictures of the property. Successful bidders will be notified by email and payment of the bid amount must be paid within fifteen (15) days of notification.
Currently, the Secretary of State’s Office holds over $71 Million worth of property forfeited to the State for non-payment of ad valorem taxes. Since 2012, the Secretary of State’s Office has made efforts to alleviate the tax forfeited epidemic in Mississippi. The Secretary of State's Office has successful been able to put a number of property back on tax rolls throughout the Mississippi using the online auction method. Bid early and bid often. Crunching the Numbers
During July and August, Waveland has been compiling figures and fielding department requests in order to put together the upcoming fiscal year's budget. The Mayor, aldermen, and department heads have been reflecting upon funding needs and unmet goals from the past year and are setting priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. Everyone involved has been considering how the expected revenue for the 2017 fiscal year should be spent.
Waveland has crunched the numbers and is on track to fund several capital project during the upcoming year without increasing the tax burden on our citizens. On Thursday, September 1 at 6:30 p.m., Waveland will host a 2017 budget public hearing. I invite all citizens of Waveland to attend this meeting to give the Waveland Board of Mayor and Alderman constructive input. The board will meet on Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m. to address the adoption of the 2017 budget. If you cannot attend the meeting, I encourage you to contact Mayor Mike Smith and your alderman at 228.467.4134 as soon as possible to discuss how you believe YOUR TAX DOLLARS should be spent. Temporary Restroom
Last month Waveland applied for funding for a portable restroom through the MDA Small Municipalities and Limited Population Counties Grant Program.
Everyone realizes the need for public restroom facilities on our beaches, so Waveland decided to run a grant application up the flagpole. The grant that we are pursuing is highly competitive so it may be a long-shot that we receive the funding, but since we applied we at least have a shot. Waveland will receive a "yea" or "nay" for our grant request from the State within a few months. ​ Even if Waveland does not receive the grant, I will continue to push for Waveland to rent a portable bathroom trailer during the peak summer months. Comments are closed.
February 2025